HAB Update

Saturday DEC confirmed that our water sample from the cove adjacent to Elm Street contained a harmful algae bloom (HAB). We are still waiting on details from the lab to determine the specifics of the organism, its toxicity and treatment.
Harmful Alagal Bloom on Little York Lake
Detailed information on HABs is contained on this DEC page. The map identifying all recent HAB reports is available here. There are images attached to the report in addition to the one in this post (click to view full-sized).
Until we have more details and an action plan (in the next few days) we strongly urge everyone to avoid contact with the water in that area of the lake (see the map). 
In the meantime, if you see anything that looks unusual, please email a picture to contact@littleyorklake.com or text it to 607-218-2550.
Area potentially with HABs