We’ve had a busy summer at Little York Lake and now is the time to review what we’ve accomplished and begin to plan for 2023.
Please join us Saturday, 9/17, at 11:00 a.m. at Preble Park to learn all that has been happening on the lake and what our plans are for 2023. We’ll also discuss the implementation of the lake protection district.
Please click on this link to indicate if you plan to attend and what you would like to bring for the picnic. We need a good headcount to provide enough hot dogs!
The meeting will be followed by a dish-to-pass and BYOB picnic. The LYLPS Board will provide hot dogs, cutlery, plates, napkins and cups.
We are also collecting dues of $25 for our 2022/23 membership year. There are 3 easy ways to pay:
- Send a check to P.O. Box 56, Little York, NY 13087
- Pay online at littleyorklake.com
- Bring your payment to the meeting on the 18th.
We need your support to continue our efforts at improving the lake.